Skin & Hair


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Designed for your
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Quality products available for store chains
and independent distributors


  • It may help cleansing and rejuvenating the skin
  • It may fight acne and black spots
  • It may work as an anti-aging oil
  • It may help against cuts, burns and rashes
  • It may help moisturizing the scalp and gain stronger hair
  • It might help with dandruff and split ends


Moringa Oil


  • Puede ayudar a limpiar y rejuvenecer la piel
  • Puede combatir el acné y los puntos negros
  • Puede funcionar como un aceite antienvejecimiento
  • Puede ayudar contra cortes, quemaduras y erupciones
  • Puede ayudar a hidratar el cuero cabelludo y obtener un cabello más fuerte
  • Podría ayudar con la caspa y las puntas abiertas


Aceite de Moringa

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Creating habits for healthy families

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Clear your doubts

1.- Are #DELA products made with natural ingredients?

Yes, all our products are made with natural ingredients and supervised by our nutritionist..

2.- Can I become a Dela independent distributor?

Yes, Dela products are offered to store chains and independent distributors.


Clear your doubts

1.- Are #DELA products made with natural ingredients?

Yes, all our products are made with natural ingredients and supervised by our nutritionist..

2.- Can I become a Dela independent distributor?

Yes, Dela products are offered to store chains and independent distributors.

General Considerations

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Consult a healthcare professional before taking any dietary supplements.

Women who are pregnant or nursing should seek healthcare professional approval to ingest this dietary supplement

If you are under 18 years of age or have a medical condition seek healthcare professional approval to ingest this dietary supplement.

Store in a cool and dry place. Do not use if seal is broken or missing. This product is sold by weight not volume therefore some settling may occur
